Season 1

July 18, 2023

Playing with Identity Profiles in Gaming with Jax Garrett

Jax Garrett is the CEO and founder of GGWP Academy, a platform that teaches gamers how to monetize their social media and online presence while doing what they love. In this episode, Laura and Jax dive into how machine learni...

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July 11, 2023

When Incidents Happen with Ben Chartrand

Ben Chartrand is the CTO of Spotlight Reporting, a popular financial reporting platform. In this episode, Ben shares a recent real-world application security incident faced by him and his team and how they responded.

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July 4, 2023

The One with All the Robots with Antonio Loquercio

Antonio Loquercio is a roboticist and academic from the University of California, Berkeley, specializing in autonomous space traversal for both legged and flying robots. In this episode, Laura and Antonio dig into the current...

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June 27, 2023

Dream a little dream of SBOM with Paul McCarty (SecureStack)

Paul McCarty is the CEO and founder of SecureStack and has a dream. What if you could quickly know all the components your software is made from, trust they were secure, and push to prod? In this episode, Laura and Paul dig i...

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June 20, 2023

Securing Healthcare at a DNA level - Lisa Hall

Lisa Hall is the CISO at ColorHealth, a healthcare company based in San Francisco specializing in health testing and DNA screening. In this episode, Lisa joins Laura to discuss the realities of securing software in the health...

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June 13, 2023

Podman, Containers and Cars - Oh My! with Dan Walsh

Dan Walsh is a distinguished engineer at Red Hat. With a long history of securing systems from the operating system level and up, he has moved into functional safety, a subsection of cyber security related to keeping people s...

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June 6, 2023

Life at the Edge of Authentication with Jon Gelsey

Jon Gelsey has had an incredible career for someone who describes themselves as "unemployed." Most notably, however, you may know him last as the founder and former CEO of Auth0. In this week's episode, Jon joins us to talk a...

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May 30, 2023

Securing Messaging at a Global Scale with Ariel Shin (Twillio)

This week we are joined by Ariel Shin, Product Security Lead at Twillio. Join us as we chat through how security works when you provide messaging services for some of the world's biggest brands and how to scale your security ...

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May 23, 2023

Building the Secure Future of IOT with Santiago Bernhardt

Meet Santiago Bernhardt, a self-confessed cyber security lover and software engineer passionate about securing the Internet of Things (IOT). Join us as we dig into what remarkable technologies are being developed to solve thi...

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May 16, 2023

Attribute Based Access Control with Dr. Vaughan Shanks

Today's guest is Dr. Vaughan Shanks, the Co-Founder, and CEO of Cydarm Technologies. In this episode, we will dig into Attribute Based Access Control(ABAC), a little-used technology for authorization that Vaughan believes can...

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May 15, 2023

Want to be a guest on Build Amazing Things (securely)?

Whatever industry you are in, wherever you are in the world - we are looking for technologies that are changing the world and the people building and securing it. Want to be our next guest? Get in touch! Email laura@safestack...

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May 11, 2023

Build Amazing Things (securely)

Are you building amazing technology that will change the world for the better? Are you trying to keep the world secure while we develop at pace? Join us for weekly episodes of Build Amazing Things (securely), the secure devel...

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