Episode Summary In this episode of "Build Amazing Things Securely," host Laura Bell Main interviews Tanya Janca, a prominent figure in the DevSecOps community. Tanya shares insights from her journey in software development to...
Episode Summary In this episode of "Build Amazing Things Securely," host Laura Bell Main speaks with Joey Stanford, Vice President of Data Privacy and Compliance at Platform.sh. Joey shares his journey from starting as the on...
Episode Summary In this episode of "Build Amazing Things Securely," host Laura Bell Main talks with Ben Goodman, founder and CEO of DragonDrop Cloud and the maintainer of Cloud Concierge. Ben discusses his journey from an eco...
Episode Summary In this episode of "Build Amazing Things Securely," host Laura Bell Main interviews Rohit, a product security expert in the gaming industry. Rohit shares his journey from an electronics background into cyberse...
Episode Summary In this episode of "Build Amazing Things Securely," host Laura Bell Main interviews Gabrielle, an offensive security advisor at Desjardins, Canada. Gabrielle shares her unique journey from acting to cybersecur...
Rachael Greaves is the CEO and founder of Castlepoint Systems, a regulatory technology company at the heart of a global push for accountability, privacy, and security in data storage and processing. In this episode, Rachael a...
Evan Johnson has been through a massive shift. Formerly the Senior Director of Security Engineering at Cloudflare, he is now a co-founder at RunReveal. In this episode, Laura and Evan chat about how you build security in earl...
Ryan Thomas is the Head of Engineering at Fl0, a platform as a service organization specializing the databases and backends. In this episode, Laura and Ryan discuss the challenges of building a foundation that others will bui...
Lachlan "skooch" Temple is the Head of Application Security at Belong, an Australian telco. In this episode, Laura and Lachlan discuss how you manage cyber security at the scale of telecommunications and how you figure out ho...
Shanna Daly is a computer forensics and cyber security specialist for Cosive Security. She is the person companies call when things have gone very wrong. In this episode, Laura and Shanna talk through what actually happens wh...